Off topic litter on Cyperpunks

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Sun Dec 22 21:57:40 PST 1996

Lurker wrote:
> What has happened to cypherpunks?  I joined this mailing list more recently
> than many others who recieve it, but most reacently it has gone downhill.
> The descriptions I have read (and I have read many) all state that this
> list is deadicated to the discussion of cryptography issues.  Where the
> hell is the discussion about cryptography?
> Three fourths of the messages I have been recieving are off topic (Ebonics
> and "Slaughter").  If I wanted to read about current events and holocost I
> would have joined groups that were specified for discussion of those.

Now Lurker, you can go read a discussion of Indo-European culture or
South American sheep grazing on any news group, and if the info posted
there doesn't conflict with any current government interests such as
restricting crypto, then sure, the discussion will be plain and out in
the open for all to see (and who cares anyway, right?).

But you didn't really expect to come here and just get handed the most
interesting technical data on a subject that *does* concern the NSA et
al rather deeply, and not have to do any work?  It's there, but it's
going to take patience and some reading between the lines.  Consider
yourself lucky that you can suscribe to such a list as this, while
such a freedom still exists.

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