Bernstein case in the White House press conference

John Gilmore gnu at
Thu Dec 19 11:57:00 PST 1996

"What do you mean?  Of course the Emperor is wearing clothes!"


December 19, 1996


1:37 P.M. EST

                           THE WHITE HOUSE

                    Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                      December 19, 1996

                          PRESS BRIEFING BY
                            MIKE MCCURRY

                         The Briefing Room

1:37 P.M. EST

             MR. MCCURRY:  I sit up here with no information to give,
empty.  Throw this thing away, this is useless.  (Laughter.)  I spent
the whole morning running around, just like you guys do, running
around trying to find somebody who knows something.  And I found a
whole lot of people who knew nothing.
...several pages deleted...

             Q    Mike, the Post story on the encryption -- federal
court decision on encryption software -- can you say what that does
to the government's rule-making effort and its plans to --

             MR. MCCURRY:  I am told that folks at Justice are trying
to figure that out.  They're analyzing the opinion now and seeing
what impact it has.  The preliminary read that I've got from them is
that it should not have any impact on it because of the way the case
is structured and the opinion was drawn.  But they're looking at it
more carefully now.

             Q    Mike, any comment on The New York Times report that
the United States is cracking on war criminals in Bosnia?
....a page deleted...

             Q    Thank you.

             MR. MCCURRY:  Thank you, Helen.  See you all tomorrow.
Maybe we'll have some real news tomorrow for a change.  (Laughter.)

             THE PRESS:  Thank you.

             END                          2:05 P.M. EST


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