No computer access for criminals

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at
Wed Dec 18 00:51:34 PST 1996

*** U.S. Parole Commission to restrict computer access

The U.S. Parole Commission will restrict computer use by certain
high-risk, convicted criminals who have been released from prison on
parole, the Justice Department said Monday. It said the panel made the
decision Dec. 4 after noting information was available on the Internet
and computer online services involving offenses such as child
molestation, hate crimes and illegal use of explosives. An official
said, "We cannot ignore the possibility that such offenders may be
tempted to use computer services to repeat their crimes." For the full
text story, see


Vipul Ved Prakash                 | - Electronic Security & Crypto 
vipul at 	          | - Internet & Intranets 
91 11 2233328                     | - Web Development & PERL 
198 Madhuban IP Extension         | - Linux & Open Systems 
Delhi, INDIA 110 092              | - (Networked) Multimedia

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