[Privacy] Airline background checks...

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Fri Dec 13 22:37:21 PST 1996

At 11:53 AM 12/13/96 -0800, aaron at herringn.com wrote:
>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Under plans to overhaul the airline security system,
>making a plane reservation would trigger an instant profile of a
>passenger's background, including past travels and possible criminal
>history information.
>Government should pay

Just in case that somebody isn't clear as to what "government should pay"
means. It means you and I through out taxes.

-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock at netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred
   Make your mark in the history of mathematics. Use the spare cycles of
   your PC/PPC/UNIX box to help find a new prime.

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