Java DES breaker?

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Thu Dec 12 18:00:20 PST 1996

More than one person writes:

> Vulis wrote:
> > "Mark M." <markm at> writes:
> > > compiles Java to a stand-alone executable.  Details at
> > > .
> > It would be very foolish to touch any shit that comes out of Cygnus.
>      Why? (specifically, I am about to try using a GCC port to WinNT, and
> I would like to know _why_ you think their work is shit).

First, because it's King John "Lackbrain" Gilmore's company. :-)

Second, because they hire unqualified people (rather, people whose
qualifications have nothing to do with the job) and they've already
fucked up every project they've ever touched.

Third, because they steal from the people who originally developed the
free software by charging money for the non-existent "support".

I'm quite happy with MS VC++ for NT. I doubt that Cygnus can do a good job
porting gcc to NT. People much better than the assholes at Cygnus have not
done a great job porting gcc to OS/2. If I want gcc, I just run it on the
Linux box, or a Sun box.

Fuck Cygnus.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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