Why PICS is the wrong approach

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Thu Dec 12 11:59:30 PST 1996

Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
> Why TCM is wrong about PICS being wrong:
> >PICS is the wrong approach becuase it oversimplifies the ratings of
> >content, because it places the ratings made by the author in the payload
> >itself, and because third-party ratings systems are cut out of the loop
> >(effectively).

> bzzzzzzt. please read about it. there are multiple protocols. some
> of them allow third-party rating services. some of them support
> ratings within pages. the standard is neutral.

> also consider the new Firefly system that doesn't
> actually have fixed ratings on objects, but in which ratings are
> determined dynamically based on your own personal ratings of pages.

If Firefly is an example of what PICS is or could become, the hell with
PICS.  Firefly encourages and rewards group behavior and suppresses
individuality.  Firefly would reward the discussion of the latest album
by a Columbia or Capitol artist, and discourage discussion of material
from independent (real independent) labels.  I know because I've been
there and spent quite a bit of time trying to get a rating.

[remainder snipped]

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