"Bigotry" and related topics...a brief comment

attila at primenet.com attila at primenet.com
Wed Dec 11 15:11:07 PST 1996


In <v03007801aed4bbe064e3@[]>, on 12/11/96 
   at 11:47 AM, "Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> said:

::The racial and ethnic groups which are most into "victimology"
::are the least successful--which is _cause_ and which is _effect_ may be
::debatable to many of you, but the correlation is very clear....maybe it's
::time they try something different, like getting their culture to embrace
::learning, reading, science, math, and business success, instead of glorifying
::victimization, crack cocaine, basketball stars, and pimps.)

    Not to harp, Tim, but the summation thought in and of itself is 
    probably "discriminatory" to many as it, intentionally or not,
    appears to single out a specific ethicnic group.

    OTOH, without or without the description, the indicated class best
    fits your model above --and I agree with the thesis; even so far as
    to say that the implentation of CA's anti-affirmative action, which
    is now blocked by yet another bleeding heart liberal Federal judge,
    will reduce tension vis a vis ethnic relations --if the supposed
    victims (of the what was at one time the ethnic majority in CA), will 
    stop crying.

    and so that everyone can see bigotry: when the demographic changes
    brought along their ethnic gangs, I moved the children to other 
    schools. when the billboards in the far NW corner of LA city/county
    were converted to Spanish a couple years ago--  

        "...that's it; we're leaving! now, regardless of the cost!"


- --
  Now, with a black jack mule you wish to harness, you walk up, 
  look him in the eye, and hit him with a 2X4 over the left eye.   
  If he blinks, hit him over the right eye! He'll cooperate.  
        --so will politicians.
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