Puzzle Palace 2nd edition (1983) Info

Alan Olsen alan at ctrl-alt-del.com
Tue Dec 10 20:02:36 PST 1996

At 10:03 AM 12/10/96 -0800, you wrote:

>>Hope that clears things up...
>No, I fear you are _confusing_ people with this comment.
>Yes, there was a 1983 paperbound edition, with a few new items added to the
>1982 orginal. Ho hum. (I have both, and have for many years. It was finding
>the '92 edition that sparked much of my interest in the NSA, back in 1982.)
>What we are waiting for is the _real_ Second Edition, the long-awaited
>revising of "The Puzzle Palace." It is expected later this year or next.

Sorry I was unclear.

Actually I was refering to what _Schneier_ was calling the "Second
edition".  (The penguin edition is more like version 1.1.)

The afterward just seems to be a tacked on collection of fragments.

Hopefully the real Second Edition will add more content.
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