PGP in Russia

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at
Thu Dec 5 19:26:27 PST 1996

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> harka at writes:
> > it's been asked before but I don't know the current answer: Is the use
> > of PGP legal in Russia? And if it's not, how are the chances of a
> > foreigner in Russia using it anyway to get away with it?
> Cryptography is outlawed in Russia (search the archives for my articles
> circa April '95). You can probably get away with using it anyway, but
> they just might make an example out of you. :-)

Severity of Russian laws is compensated by lack of their enforcement.

I would not expect Russian authorities to look for people using PGP or 
even react to complaints that certain persons use it. They might use this
law to harass people for something else though.

Kinda similar to taking PGP on diskettes out of United States: it
is nominally illegal, but n oone bothers.


	- Igor.

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