The House Rules At The Permanent Virtual Cypherpunks Party

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Wed Dec 4 20:00:25 PST 1996

Bryce <bryce at> writes:
> > > Rule 2:  Don't forward articles from other forums to
> > > cypherpunks.  We can find it ourselves the same place you did
> >
> > This is not universally true. Everyone doesn't have access to
> > a functional News server or even to the Web, and some interesting
> > stuff could come from closed commercial sites etc.
> Yeah, my "rules" are mainly to intimidate newbies into holding
> still long enough to be properly socialized.  Only the
> Meta-Rule is inviolate.

Thank you, Bryce, for an excellent quote. Indeed "cypher punks" control
freaks are into indimidation and power games. No wonder there's so much
intersection between the "cypher punks" and the Usenet news.* Cabal!

"Cypher punks" have degenerated into an inbred cybermob whose goal in life
is to "enforce" the "rules" that apply to "newbies" (more Cabal-speak) but
not to the "in-crowd".

Paul Bradley, the vitriolic flamer, is a good example of a "cypher punk".
Paul doesn't know much about cryptography, but he's been harrassing Don Wood
because Don Wood dared propose a cryprosystem. I haven't examined Don's
proposal and don't know how good it is. Paul apparently FTP's Don's files
but lacked the technical knowledge to understand the proposal. Paul first
posted nonsensical attacks on Don's proposal (discussing a brute-force
attack on one-time pad). When several people, including myself, pointed out
that Paul was writing nonsense, Paul claimed that he mistyped "one-time pad"
for "stream cypher". Although it's an entirely different animal, Paul's
writings were still nonsense, even if one substituted "stream cypher" for
"one-time pad". After being exposed as ignoramus, Paul abandoned attempts at
technical discussion and turned to baiting Don with ad hominem attacks,
calling him "master of bullshit", and putting "(spit)" after his name. Don
reacted to Paul's provocation exactly once and rather mildly - calling Paul
"fatbrain" in reference to his e-mail host. That was the last we heard from
Don. Has the content-based censor John Gilmore pulled Don's plug as
punishment for "inappropriate content"? Inquiring minds want to know.

For the logorrhetics' reading pleasure, I reproduce another quote from Paul:

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 15:18:16 +0000
]Subject: Re: Workers Paradise. /Political rant.
]Message-Id: <843149202.18173.0 at>
]> Yeah!!! And I'll bounce each mailbomb to everyone who tries it. Won't
]> that be fun.  Too ba your netcom account won't last long.
]`Fraid not loser, I`ll just mailbomb your ass so bad you won`t know
]what hit you, and my account is on demon, who can handle my incoming
]mail (about 300 a day) without a problem, go ahead punk, make my

(Paul tried mailbombing me and was warned that his mailbombs will be bounced
back to him.)


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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