PRIVACY: X-No-Archive and mail.cypherpunks

Troy Varange varange at
Tue Dec 3 19:39:33 PST 1996

Igor Chudov @ home <ichudov at> writing [ 1422] bytes in <$m2n26165-.199612031615.KAA03400 at> said:

> This is primarily addressed to the person who supports cypherpunks
> mail-to-news gateway. If you know who such person is, please send
> his/her address to me.
> Please modify your reposting program so that it does not remove the
> 		X-No-Archive: yes 
> header line from email messages. This particular header line is an
> indication to USENET search engines that the author of the message would
> not like it to be stored in these engines. It preserves the author's
> privacy and enforces the copyright protection.
	"X-No-Archive: yes" is for idiots.  Who wants to censor
	their own posts?


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