Logos here

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Tue Dec 3 01:02:09 PST 1996

LOGOS wrote:
> Sovereign collegues,
>      I am Logos. I have adopted this pseudonym to conceal my
> 'true name'. I want the ideas which I shall be espousing
> to stand or fall on their own merits and not on the basis
> of biases that my name, sex, ethnicity, etc. might otherwise
> elicit. I hope my contributions to this list will be seen as
> positive by most list members.
>      I intend to limit my postings to only two meta-topics:
> decorum and logic. In other words, the way we speak to each
> other and the quality of our argumentation.

[decorum snipped for space]

> Logic
> The average reader of this list has sufficient
> education and intelligent to understand the most informal
> logical falacies. Yet one sees such falacies committed here
> with disapointing regularity. I will post definitions of the
> most common falacies and will use examples found on this
> list as illustrations. If we are to be persuasive among
> ourselves and with others, we need to be rigorous in our
> thought processes.

Sounds like a heck of a good idea, if:

1. You can ID the bad logic with a high percent of success (90+ ?).

2. You can comment/reply for all members fairly, but if limited by the
   large number of postings (and fallacies ?), give priority to ???

As far as Congress expelling members, are you saying that the Senate
and/or H.O.R. can permanently eliminate a person elected by the people?
Has this ever been tested?

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