IP address

Adamsc Adamsc at io-online.com
Sun Dec 1 21:56:49 PST 1996

On Sun, 1 Dec 1996 22:23:30 -0600, Internaut wrote:

>What is the risk of publishing your dynamic IP address to a web page while you are on line?  How vulnerable is someone just connected to the internet, w/o any server running? What attacks are feasable? --Internaut

Well, if you are running Win95 (all) or 3.1 (w/certain TCP/IP stacks) your
machine can be locked up or rebooted at *any* time using just PING!

#  Chris Adams  <adamsc at io-online.com> | http://www.io-online.com/adamsc/adamsc.htp
#  <cadams at acucobol.com>                 | send mail with subject "send PGPKEY"
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