Paul Bradley is a typical "cypher punk" (Was: IPG Algorith Broken!)

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Sun Dec 1 16:20:19 PST 1996

paul at writes:
> > Some of these bullies, like Paul Bradley, realize that they don't know
> > the meanings of the words they use. Paul Bradley not only posts nonsense
> > about brute force attacks on OTP, but also harrasses anyone who exposes
> > his utter ignorance, in en effort to intimidate them into shutting up.
> You don`t seem to realise that not only is my reputation unnafected
> by your worthless drivel about "brute force attacks on one time
> pads", which everyone else apart from you and Don immediately
> accepted as a simple misunderstanding of the topic of the message (I
> was talking about stream ciphers), but I am finding it rather amusing
> to watch the level of your rants deteriorate to the point where you
> now label anyone who actually posts about cryptography on this list
> as a "k00l hAcKiNg D00d" who knows nothing of what he is talking
> about. And as for harrasing people to shut up if you had been
> watching the traffic on the list you would have noticed that I
> disagreed with John over throwing you off the list. I simply wonder
> if the reason you appear to be so calm offline but a foaming at the
> mouth lunatic online is that you are scared someone is going to give
> you the good kicking you so rightly deserve.
> > "Cypherpunks'" opinion of any proposed new cryptosystem is worthless and
> > irrelevant.
> And I suppose the opinion of a man who cannot control his urges to
> post rants about "sovok jews" and armenian refugees is of great value
> to the learned and worthy???

Paul Bradley packs so many lies into 30 lines of text, it's almost remarkable.

First, I don't post rants about "Sovok Jews" to cypherpunks. Paul lies.
(I happen to be Jewish, which is one of the reasons why Tim May hates my guts.)

Second, Paul Bradley's own words do more to expose his own ignorance and
stupidity than anything anyone else could say about him. This is my article
which immediately preceded John Gilmore's shameful act of censorship:

]Message-Id: <67c7VD32w165w at>
]Subject: Re: OTP
]From: dlv at (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
]Date: Mon, 21 Oct 96 20:43:28 EDT
]In-Reply-To: <845910392.8251.0 at>
]Where do these idiots come from and why do they end up on this mailing list?
]paul at writes:
]> > Can you explain to me how your one time pad algorithm is any better than
]> > encryption something with, say, RC4 or any other cipher using a key that
]> > is the same length as the seed for your PRNG?
]> Well for a start there is no possible cryptanalytic (rather than
]> brute force) attack on a one time pad, the system can be
]> mathematically proven to be secure with a very simple bit of
]> statistics.
]Please post your "mathematical proof" and explain what you mean by
]a "brute force attack on a one time pad".

Paul Bradley spoke about OTP, not stream cyphers. He lies.

Third, Paul lies about his "opposition" to John Gilmore's censorship.
Here is an e-mail Paul sent to the non-existent address "dvl" in
response to an anonymous article on cypherpunks:

]Comments: Authenticated sender is <paul at>
]From: paul at
]To: dvl at
]Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 15:18:16 +0000
]Mime-Version: 1.0
]Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
]Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
]Subject: Re: A daily warning regarding Timothy C. May
]Priority: normal
]X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.31)
]Message-Id: <843149202.18174.0 at>
]> Timothy C. May is a lying sack of shit.
]Look, that is enough, I`m going to move to have you removed from the
]list if you keep this up... get a life fuckhead, if you are going to
]flame at least do it from your real address so people can killfile
]you, or maybe you believe censorship is better?
<stupid sig snipped>

It's clear that Paul supported John's "removal" of me from the list.

Paul Bradley sent me dozens of hate e-mails. When he started mailbombing
me with multiples copies of my own cypherpunks postings with obscenities
appended, I set up a filter to bounce his junk back to him. Paul appears
to be obsessed with me.

Behold the collected works of Paul Bradley before the bouncer was set up:

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 18:29:26 +0000
]Subject: Re: Conjuring up the latest utopia for a minoritarian sect
]Message-Id: <842700997.12948.0 at>
]You really don`t rate a reply from me, my time is much too valuable
]to bother with this sort of thing usually, but on this occasion i`ll
]make an exception:
]If you are going to make claims like this *back them up* I do not
]suppose for one moment that anyone on this list believes what you
]said above, Tim has shown restraint and sense in dealing with your
]rantings, you are in the majority of peoples killfiles, you really
]ought to re-access what you are doing on the list if all you are here
]for is to cause hassle and waste bandwidth, there is enough material
]on the list without totally uninteresting posts like your own.

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 19:33:09 +0000
]Subject: Re: Diffie Hellman - logs in Galois fields
]Message-Id: <842988785.23058.0 at>
]> I think polluting this mailing list with trivial questions such as this is
]> just as bad as polluting it with personal attacks. Read the FAQs.
]Get a fucking life, seeing as you haven`t yet posted anything
]relating remotely to the technical aspects of cryptography to this
]list I think you need to take a long hard look at what your saying

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 15:18:16 +0000
]Subject: Re: Workers Paradise. /Political rant.
]Message-Id: <843149202.18173.0 at>
]> Yeah!!! And I'll bounce each mailbomb to everyone who tries it. Won't
]> that be fun.  Too ba your netcom account won't last long.
]`Fraid not loser, I`ll just mailbomb your ass so bad you won`t know
]what hit you, and my account is on demon, who can handle my incoming
]mail (about 300 a day) without a problem, go ahead punk, make my

(I warned the mailbombers that their mailbombs will be returned to them.)

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:37:23 +0000
]Subject: Re: CIA hacked
]Message-Id: <843401979.17072.0 at>
]> >Dr. John M. Grubor created the 'net.
]> Who created you? You tub of shit?
]Fuck you and fuck your cheap ass fucked up life motherfucker (look
]for the fuck redundancy index here, should be an interesting figure,
]good day to you

(Paul is writing to me in response to someone else's flame.)

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:13:06 +0000
]Subject: Re: Re: CIA hacked
]Message-Id: <843401966.17051.0 at>
]This is a further post following an earlier flame:
]>  You are being flamed because.
]>    [X] you continued a boring useless stupid thread
]>    [ ] you repeatedly posted to the same thread that you just posted to
]>    [x] you repeatedly initiated incoherent, flaky, and mindless threads
]>    [ ] you posted a piece riddled with profanities
]>    [ ] you advocated Net censorship
]>    [ ] you SCREAMED! (used all caps)
]>    [x] you posted some sort of crap that doesn't belong in this group
]>    [ ] you posted the inanely stupid 'Make Money Fast' article
]>    [ ] you threatened others with physical harm
]>    [x] you made a bigoted statement(s)
]>    [x] you repeatedly assumed unwarranted moral or intellectual superiority
]>    [x] you are under the misapprehension that this list is your preserve
]>    [ ] you repeatedly shown lack of humor
]>    [ ] you are apparently under compulsion to post to every thread
]>    [x] you are posting an anonymous attack
]>   >>> Thank you for the time you have taken to read this.  Live n' Learn.<<<
]Furthermore, you qualify as the celebrity fuckhead of the week, have
]a nice day.

(I got dozens of the above-quoted mailbombs.)

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:13:06 +0000
]Subject: KOTM
]Message-Id: <843401961.17032.0 at>
]Keep this non crypto relevant shit off the mailing list you sad ass

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:13:06 +0000
]Message-Id: <843401965.17045.0 at>
]Killifiling you would be a pleasure, however, it is an even greater
]pleasure to be able to flame you because of your worthless posts,
]this is probably why he didn`t...
]Get a life.

]From: paul at
]To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv at>
]Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 09:21:37 +0000
]Subject: Re: Possible subs attack????
]Message-Id: <844008901.9441.0 at>
]> The lying sack of shit Timmy May <paul at> writes:
]> The lying sack of shit Timmy May lies again, as usual.
]Fuck you,
]I am not Tim May, Check out the return path if you don`t believe me,
]if you still don`t here`s my PGP public key signed by the EFF, they
]don`t sign keys here and there without checking ID`s...
]Type Bits/KeyID    Date       User ID
]pub  1024/5BBFAEB1 1996/07/30 Paul Bradley <paul at>
]Version: 2.6.3ia

]Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 17:40:49 +0000
]Subject: [ADVICE] Dimitri Vilus`s personal attacks
]Message-Id: <844193560.12762.0 at>
]I shouldn`t take any notice, he`s a loon who posts rants, lies, off
]topic rubbish and personal attacks to the mailing list. just ignore
]him, hopefully he`ll soon realise he`s not wanted and leave...


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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