
SCN User bf578 at scn.org
Fri Aug 30 00:42:23 PDT 1996

>www.anonymizer.com got a nice plug in David Plotnikoff's column in today's
>San Jose Mercury News.  He quotes Community ConneXion's motto, "Because on
>today's Internet, people do know you're a dog."  He also mentions its
>similarity to anonymous remailers.  His capsule review:
>"On the upside, it's very easy to use and it supports gopher and FTP
>transfers as well as Web pages.  On the downside, it's predictable slow and
>pages, bracketed top and bottom with Anonymizer banners, often don't
>display quite right."

 mailto: links take you to a anonymous remailer web page that lets
          you choose among remailers.
 news: can be read anonymously but posting doesn't seem to work yet.
 If converts all links in a page to use the service.

 Some info does get through , such as your broswer type.
 Soon, i guess browsers programmers will start passing info there!

 Don't know what happens with shttp:? anybody tried?

 Slowness is probably because the "service" is free and they don't
  have the funds for more horsepower.

 They do claim that they cache documents, so if one person gets
  a page from a slow server then everyone else can get it faster.
  (of course they'd have to be faster!)

There are no facts, only interpretations.

I always wanted to be somebody, 

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