Spamming (Good or Bad?)

Paul S. Penrod furballs at
Wed Aug 21 00:34:11 PDT 1996

On Tue, 20 Aug 1996, Ross Wright wrote:

> On Or About 20 Aug 96, 16:23, Jim Gillogly wrote:
> > 
> > Vipul Ved Prakash <vipul at> writes:
> > >I don't know if there has been much discussion on the ethics of
> > >spamming here? Is spamming free speech? 
> > 
> > I oppose spamming because it's rude and inefficient, lowering the
> > S/N everywhere it happens.  Market droids
> Market Droids????  As a salesman I take offence at this slur.

Don't bother. There is a difference between marketing and sales. Lighten 
up. Good salesmen are born with the ability - marketing is a bad attempt 
at appyling engineering principles to the same.

As for spamming, I get enough of it via snail-mail, I don't want to see 
it in my Inbox too. And, for the record, there are lots of people out 
there who pay on the bulk charge, not by time. Sending advertising or 
junk mail to these folks costs them money, maybe not much for the one 
message you sent, but several thousand over a month of a quarter add up 
to real money.

There is a time and place for legitimate advertising. I am sure that 
given time and impetus, a number of clear channel venues will open up to 
allow precision marketing and sales to happen electronicly. 

At the moment, it's bad nettiquette...


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