[NOISE] Statists get to make choices, too.

Anonymous nobody at replay.com
Wed Aug 14 00:38:57 PDT 1996

Dr. Dimitri Vulis KOTM writes:

>There is no place on the 'net safe for the Usenet Cabal or the fucking statists
>who call themselves "libertarians".

Oh, sure there is. The Misguided Cabal Dupes [tm] have decided they prefer
the relative order of the current system to the chaos of a disbarred
lawyer's vision. News admins have simply taken extra steps to make sure
that their services won't be disrupted by a few individuals who style
themselves the "Usenet Freedom Knights." I'm sure the Fucking Statists have
taken similar steps.

Your right to rant doesn't override my right to ignore you. Isn't that
really what this country's supposed to be about? The right to be left

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