A Libertine Question (fwd)

Cerridwyn Llewyellyn ceridwyn at wolfenet.com
Sat Aug 3 01:59:49 PDT 1996

At 08:42 PM 8/2/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Forwarded message:
>> Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 16:50:01 -0500 (CDT)
>> From: snow <snow at smoke.suba.com>
>> Subject: Re: A Libertine Question
>>      As long as you are enforcing it on everyone, I don't think you'd have a 
>> problem, but to force some one from cooking food for homeless people, and 
>> allow a family barbeque, is IMO wrong.
>Not at all. Businesses have no rights, individuals do. Businesses have a
>Blueberries they bought at the local HEB). Individuals have a right to
>privacy, that includes cooking themselves food without harrassment. Business
>on the other hand are selling products of potentialy questionable quality. A

I disagree with your sentiments about Business and rights, however, in this
instance, even that wasn't the issue. Food Not Bombs is NOT a business, it's
a not-for-profit organization that gives out (not sells) food.  They are the
same as, I think Tim May pointed out, a Boy Scout picnic, except for the 
homless, not the boy scouts.


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