fbi, crypto, and defcon

Cerridwyn Llewyellyn ceridwyn at wolfenet.com
Thu Aug 1 00:48:05 PDT 1996

>> Okay, so their boss is part of the law making process, subject to the checks
>> and balances that exist between the three branches of US government. They
>> are in a position to supply their boss with data and I am personally
>> impressed with their grasp of some of that data (it sounds to me like they
>> are telling their boss that hackers like the ones at Defcon are not the
>> problem).

It was interesting how the Agent made the point that the FBI was there to 
enforce laws, not make policy.  Then his Boss's role in the law making process
was brought up, the Agent said "but any of you can do the same thing, you
all have a voice" etc etc.  Then he refused to answer political questions 
based on the fact that he was there as a representative of the FBI, failing
to see that his Boss is also a representative of the FBI when recommending
legislation.  (Again, I realize he was "under orders" not to discuss it, I 
wish he wouldn't try to justify it with obviously faulty logic.)

>    I think what they are really saying is that they would love to
>bust most hackers, but since they can't they might as well use some of
>them to catch the bigger fish.  If they truly did believe in the laws they
>are supposed to uphold they wouldn't associate with hackers (who commit
>computer crimes) at all.

A more cynical view is that they are there to protect some of the biggest
institutions of "organized crime" (ie: Congress, At&t, Microsoft, etc) who
are ripping people off on a daily basis from the other organizations who
refuse to play by their rules.


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