Jewell is the Militia Bomber!!!!

jim bell jimbell at
Thu Aug 1 00:45:43 PDT 1996

At 07:49 PM 7/31/96 -0700, Timothy C. May wrote:
>The security guard Jewell is now confirmed to be the prime suspect. While
>NBC News is reporting that no evidence _directly_ links him to the bombing,
>the evidence against him is overwhelming:
>1. He is overweight. With the exception of The Unabomber, most perps in
>cases like this are fat.

Uh, just like that guy in Jurassic Park!

('Course, there's an explanation for this.   "The butler did it" went out over 30 years ago.  They're running out of butlers, and, well, many butlers were fat, so...)

>2. They found a _shotgun_ in his cabin.

No, no, Tim.   The proper way to deliver this to a TV audience is, "They 
found an ARSENAL in his COMPOUND!"

(see how much more exciting it is?!?  BTW, how many wives does he have?)

>3. He had an interest in guns. (Back issues of "Guns and Ammo" are bad
>enough, but possession of even a single issue of "Combat Handguns" is
>sufficient to convict in 39 of the 50 states.)

Any copies of that SUBVERSIVE publication Shotgun News?

>4. News sources are reporting that authorities who searched his apartment
>and his cabin "came up empty," which surely implies that he planned this
>crime with the help of others.

And he had to have scoured it clean JUST BEFORE the authorities arrived!  
Yeah, that's the ticket!

Jim Bell
jimbell at

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