Mindshare and Java

James Childers JC6452 at FS2HOST.CCCCD.EDU
Thu Apr 25 17:05:50 PDT 1996

> > As cool as many of the people on the Java team are, though, I am dubious
> > that Java is going to live up to the hype. 

Same here. If someone writes a secure electronic-wallet type system 
with Java, then I'll be impressed. Until then, all I've seen 
implemented is kEWL text graphics. 

> There was an official announcement at their Professional Developers Conference
> a few weeks back.  In short, full support in the browsers (and apparently MS 
> is now the keeper of the reference implementation on Win32) and also
> a full blown Java development environment code-named 'Jakarta'.

Didn't MS ditch their proprietary Java-like language? Interesting, if 

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