[Yadda Yadda :-)] Re: Rabbi Hier Testimony

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Wed Apr 24 21:42:06 PDT 1996

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Declan B. McCullagh wrote:

> I was waiting for Rich to whine about my message criticizing the Simon
> Wiesenthal Center. He was good enough to oblige, being the FUCKING
> STATIST that he is:

No, I refused to reply to your obvious troll the first time, or to the
various Nazi tracts that have been posted anonymously recently. You had to
repeat the off-topic smears twice before I decided to humor you. 

> Funny, that. The links I provided were primarily to reports from the
> ACLU, CDT, wire dispatches, and firsthand reports by respected
> journalists.

All presenting one point of view, stated less strongly than your link
text. There have been all sorts of opposing points of view, letters to the
editor, clarifications, and retractions since then. 

If you want to know what I think, look it up in DejaNews. This was all
covered in early February.

As I told you on February 9th, I am win-announce at metrics.com.


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