E-mail harassment by c2

Rich Burroughs richieb at teleport.com
Sat Apr 20 21:35:54 PDT 1996

At 08:48 PM 4/20/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear folks at C2, 
>If people don't ask you to be placed on a mailing list they jolly well
>don't have to follow *your* instructions to get taken off. 

I think you're missing what happened.

Someone subscribed the address for the _cypherpunks_ list to the clueless
list.  The "welcome to clueless" message got sent to you via the cypherpunks
list.  Notice the instructions from C2 say:

>If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, 
>you can send mail to "Majordomo at c2.org" with the following command 
>in the body of your email message: 
>unsubscribe clueless cypherpunks at toad.com 

The email address there is the cypherpunks list, not yours.

The reason you received the second email is that majordomo at c2.org (the
address you sent mail to) is not a person -- it's a mail list administering
program.  Your mail had no command that majordomo recognized, so it sent you
the majordomo help file.  That's what it's supposed to do.

You aren't being harassed by anyone.  You aren't on the clueless list.  You
are on the cyperpunks list -- if you want to unsubscribe, send email to
majordomo at toad.com with the words "unsubscribe cypherpunks" (without the
quotes) in the body of your message.


Rich Burroughs  richieb at teleport.com  http://www.teleport.com/~richieb
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