DANGER! Baby-Food Bombs on the Internet! [was Re: (Fwd)]

Frank Stuart fstuart at vetmed.auburn.edu
Fri Apr 19 17:08:08 PDT 1996

Peter Trei (trei at process.com) writes:
>As usual, altavista comes to the rescue.
>*A* baby food jar bomb is described at:
>	http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~llovejo/explode.txt
>and echoed overseas at
>	http://ps.cus.umist.ac.uk/~vivaldi/boom/original.txt 
>I could not find the article on harvesting gunpowder from shotgun shells. Neat stuff in

That's okay...it should be on Thomas in the Congressional Record courtesy
of Senator Biden.

                          | (Douglas) Hofstadter's Law:
                          | It always takes longer than you expect, even
Frank Stuart              | when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

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