Announce: new Microsoft CryptoAPI mailing list (fwd)

Rich Graves llurch at
Thu Apr 18 23:32:37 PDT 1996

You read it here first. Or is this not really new?

I'm approving three or four more MS announcements to now.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:15:06 -0700
From: Microsoft Internet Announcements <inetannc at>
To: "' Moderator'" <win-announce at>
Cc: Microsoft Internet Announcements <inetannc at>
Subject: Announce: new Microsoft CryptoAPI mailing list

CryptoAPI on listadmin at

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Cryptographic API (CryptoAPI), which provides services that enable
application developers to add cryptography to their Win32 applications.
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