ViaCrypt PGP 4.0 for Windows shipping

John D. Cooley jdcooley at
Tue Apr 2 08:51:50 PST 1996

Alan Olsen <alano at> wrote:

>I have not seen this here yet, so sorry if you have seen it...

>ViaCrypt is claiming that they are now shipping the Windows version of their
>PGP 4.0.  (I tend to not believe marketing claims until I hear from people
>who actually have it.)

I have had my ViaCrypt PGP version 4.0 for windows for 1 week.

>Does anyone know if there are plans for this version to be interoperable
>with PGP 3.0?

It is *supposed* to be interoperable with all PGP versions 2.6 and later.

>Furthermore, has anyone tried the new version?

I have used it, but so far have not been able to communicate with anyone
that is using PGP 2.6.2.  I have communicated with ViaCrypt and they are
researching the problem.  Yes, I used the option that is supposed to make
the key interoperable with PGP 2.6.2.  I followed the instructions in the book
and the security note.  Even did it again (generated a new key) just to make
sure I did it correctly, still no go!  

I will not blame ViaCrypt until I know if it is my fault or not!

BTW, I'm using the Business Edition.

jdcooley at
Always do right.  This will
gratify some people and astonish
           the rest.
                    Mark Twain
PGP Public Key available upon request

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