Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Tue Apr 2 04:53:53 PST 1996

This happens any time anybody signs up with an an######@anon.penet.fi address.
Ideally, someone could, in their copious spare time, hack majordomo
to automatically translate all subscription requests of that form to
na######@anon.penet.fi ; as an alternative, if majordomo has some sort
of subscription blocking list an*@anon.penet.fi belongs on it.

At 07:35 PM 3/30/96 -0800, Sandy wrote:
>has anyone had the sort of problem mentioned below?

>From: E. ALLEN SMITH <EALLENSMITH at ocelot.Rutgers.EDU>
>To: sandfort at crl.com
>From:	IN%"sandfort at crl.com"  "Sandy Sandfort" 26-MAR-1996 16:57:18.92
>>Wilco.  I'm collecting names for an addendum now.
>	Thanks. Incidentally, I recently had a problem with posting to
>the cypherpunks list; it consisted of the message getting sent to anon.penet.fi
>instead. This looks like someone trying to find out anon.penet.fi anon IDs;
>however, it wouldn't work due to the password requirement. Have you heard
>anything about this? 
#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at ix.netcom.com, +1-415-442-2215 pager 408-787-1281

1995: Chat rooms, espresso, and Linux
1996: Exon, melatonin, and Java.  

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