Netscape giving away T-shirts?

Alan Olsen alano at
Mon Sep 25 00:05:17 PDT 1995

At 05:33 PM 9/24/95 -0700, you wrote:
>	My ex-gf just told me on the phone that her boss mentioned
>that Netscape was giving away T-shirts to people who found holes.
>Apparently her boss saw this on the news. Interesting. ;-)
>	(For the over-stressed and/or humor-impaired: I'm not implying
>that netscape is giving away t-shirts, just commenting on the accuracy
>of the media.)

Concidering that they do give out a fair amount of shirts, they might
actually be doing this now.  (If it was for bugs they would owe me quite a
few shirts. ];>)

If they offer you a shirt, ask for one of the "Mosaic Communications
Corporation" t-shirts.  (The one with the old version of Mozilla on the
back.)  They are evidently considered a status symbol at Netscape corporate.
(And, no, you cannot have mine.)

|  Minister of Forced Caffinization in the DNRC   | alano at   |
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