Sigh Re: not a flame please read and think about this

Pat Farrell pfarrell at
Sat Sep 9 11:59:27 PDT 1995

Subject line is bull*&^&, IMHO, of course

In message Sat,  9 Sep 1995 16:40:00 UTC, an116512 at  writes:

> to make my point: why is pat farrel helping the nsa and nist make

Learn to spell my name. It is on my .sig, my keys, and in my userid.
We blockheaded, Irish Catholic Americans are damn proud of our name.
Farrell's (along with other cheap Irish labor) built the railroads
from Chicago west.  Please spell it correctly, even if you are flaming me.

> hey why not just write the escorw code for them!!!???
> is mr farrel just being naive or is does he realize who hes working for?
> sorry to single him out but this is just an example of what im talking
> about.

I doubt that this clown deserves a response, but...

There were a number of cypherpunks there. I can't speak for all,
but I expect movites include:

- attempting to clarify vague and confusing wording so we could
understand what they wanted.

- seeing that working with them, rather than yelling at their stupidity,
has a higher chance of getting results.

- we got to meet influential folks from industry who agree with us.

- some of us aren't completely apposed to CKE. I think it has value.
If we could convert their plan for GAK into CKE, it would be a big win,
well worth the effort.

- they are going to promulgate a FIPS PUB standard next week, whether I like
it or not, and whether I help or not. It is better to have that standard
understandable and clear than fuzzy and subject to subective evaluation.

- getting preposterous misstatements into the formal Federal Register so
we can quote it back to them in the congressional hearings. Mr Geoff
Greivelddinger's words should be handy to quote, for one example.

- there are lots more, but I doubt that I can convince this clown.


Pat Farrell    Grad Student
Info. Systems & Software Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
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