I want to learn!

anonymous-remailer at shell.portal.com anonymous-remailer at shell.portal.com
Wed Oct 18 07:38:42 PDT 1995

>>From: VINCENT810 at aol.com
>>Can someone please show me the ropes on becomeing a cypherpunk!!!! Thanxs.
>     Me Too, I'm catching on but some help would help !
>     Leo_Martensen_at_~~HEID-DHS at ccmail.odedodea.edu

Okay, places to start.

Go to the cypherpunks ftp site ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/cypherpunks
and look around.  TCMay's "Cyphernomicon" FAQ is a must, although
it's really really big.  It's been Weblinked somewhere, but I
fail to recall.  It's also been ZIPped somewhere.

Buy Bruce Scheiner's (sp?) "Applied Cryptography."  Actually,
don't.  A new Second Edition is coming out next month.

Read the list, hopefully not posting lame newbie messages
like "I want to learn how to be a cypherpunk!!!!"


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