(fwd) checkfree/cybercash diff

Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Thu Oct 12 12:19:29 PDT 1995

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Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 14:34:46 +0100
From: Holger.Reif at PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE (Holger Reif )
To: www-buyinfo at allegra.att.com
Subject: checkfree/cybercash diff

Hi all,

I studied both websites regarding their wallet system. I noticed a press
release that checkfree will license cybercash technology and develope
products. I saw _no_ release that checkfree has already released a cybercash
wallet compatible SW.

But I cannot find any difference between cybercash wallet and checkfree wallet.
Is it behind the open part of the tech information?

Who can make things clear???

read you later  -  Holger Reif

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Robert Hettinga (rah at shipwright.com)
Shipwright Development Corporation, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131
USA (617) 323-7923
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