java security concerns

Simon Spero ses at
Mon Oct 9 17:29:59 PDT 1995

On Mon, 9 Oct 1995, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

[ I just got Man-On-The-Street'ed by a TV news crew asking my opinion of 
  the OJ Verdict, I'm entitled to a little Side-Bar 

> Sendmail is about 29K lines of C code -- not significantly larger by
> my standards -- and has proven nearly impossible to secure.

Hey - but sendmail was designed to be Z-1 secure - formally proven to be 
unsecurable :-)

> taken on an impossible task. Marcus Ranum has noted that you can't
> trust a program thats bigger than a couple of pages long, and I

For the general case this is true. To be able to trust larger systems, you
need to not only be able to trust the individual 2 pagers, but to also be
able to show that composing the sub units doesn't lose whatever property
you're trying to do. The architecture of the system needs to be designed
with this in mind; otherwise reasoning about the composite becomes
intractable. There are all sorts of things you can do to make analysis
easier - eliminating global state, etc. Retrofitting security or 
verifiability never works. 

Distributed co-operative theorem proving, anyone?


Real point of the message:

In my previous message, I left out some fundamental parts of the run-time 
that need to be looked at carefully. The garbage collection needs to be 
examined carefully. Normally GC algorithms are formally derived, so it's 
the implementation that needs to be checked for. holes in the GC may be 
too unpredictable to exploit for anything but core-dumping, especially since 
java uses a mark-sweep conservative collector. 

A more promising area of attack might be the Thread system. If the thread
system can be confused, it might be possible to have an untrusted app
start executing in the context of a trusted thread. This may or may not 
be exploitable, depending on how much of the untrusted threads context 
gets held over (call stack, etc), but could be fun if it works.


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