De Re ASN.1 and encoding rules ( was Re: X.509,...)

Simon Spero ses at
Mon Oct 2 17:11:33 PDT 1995

In his message Carl make several statements, some of which I agree with,
and some which I disagree with. Since I'm a protocol wonk, and since I've
been doing ASN.1 and PER/BER stuff recently, I'd like to respond to some
of his points. 

(I spent most of last week off work with a nasty cold,
semi-comatose on the couch, smothered in vapo-rub, surrounded by the 93
specs for ASN.1, BER/DER, and PER, and with nothing on TV but the OJ trial.
What a choice :-)

[A lot of this is leading up to a big rant about the truly ghastly 
packet formats given to us by STT, which I've found loosens more mucus 
than a gallon of cough syrup, and with much the same affect on your 
mental state :-)]

I'm not going to be defending BER (BrainDamaged Encoding Rules), because, 
lets face it, they suck. I'm also not going to be defending X.500, 
because, to a first approximation it completely sucks too. 

In this message I'm just going to address the issue of the inherent
in-efficiency- I'll address the rest in a follow-up message, most
specifically the claim that making mashalling and de-mashalling hard on
the implementor is a good thing. 

It's hard to speak to the issue of code size, since the ISODE compilers,
which are frequently used as a benchmark in this area are so goddam
awful. Even the most naive compilers will generally generate code orders
of magnitude smaller. Instead, we'll take a look at bits on the wire,
and compare the struct dump to what can be done by a 20th century
compiler using a smart set of encoding rules (PER - the packed encoding

[ as a side note, I recently wrote some code that had to parse and 
process X.509 certificates - this was for my SSL Keep-Away proxy (it 
needed to crunch the certificate, look for hostname matches in any CN
values, and possible convert the DN into RFC1485 text format). The 
source was only a few K. I was using C++ though (and this didn't hurt 
for once)]

Lets use 3DES as our example. We'll start with a naive specification:

LongLong ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) -- a long long is 8 bytes, er, long
DesKey ::= LongLong
ThreeDes ::= SEQUENCE {
	IV LongLong,
	K1 DesKey,
	K2 DesKey,
	K3 DesKey
Lets apply the packed encoding rules to this: 
ThreeDes is a SEQUENCE. It has no optional components, so no bits are added
to the encoding. 
The first item, IV, is an OCTET STRING of fixed length 8 bytes. Since the 
length is fixed, no length is encoded - the 8 bytes of the IV are 
appended to the encoding. The same applies to each of the des keys.
Thus, we have a bits on the wire total of 32 bytes. The same as in the 
hand crafted encoding. The encoding and decoding are then implemented as 
memcpys. If more information is known about the alignment and position 
in memory  of the fields, and of the key within the buffer, these memcpys can 
be coaleced- this is a local optimisation, rather than a requirement that 
every interoperable implementation use the same language with the same 

Now, this example is pretty simple, but with not much thought, we can set 
about improving it to generate fewer bits on the wire. I'll avoid the 
obvious kludge, which is to strip of the parity bytes on each key to save 
three bytes - instead we'll look to the big wins. 

There are several different ways of using 3des which can help us reduce
the size of the encodings in some cases. The first thing we can do is
support variable size IVs (like in rfc1851). We'll restrict the IV to be
either 1 or 2 32 bit chunks. Then we can add extra support for 1des mode
of 3des where all the keys are the same. 

Here's the new definitions:


ThreeDes ::=SEQUENCE {
	Key1 DesKey,
	Key2 DesKey OPTIONAL,
Now lets see how the PER treat this value. 
The first thing we encode is the sequence. Since this sequence has 
optional components, we stick one bit onto the output stream for each 
field - if the bit is one, the optional element is present - otherwise, 
it ain't.  Since there are two optional components, we need two bits.

Next, we need to encode the IV. Since this field is of variable length, 
we do need to encode a length this time. The length is constrainted to 
be between 1 and 2 - a range of 1- the minimum number of bits needed to 
encode this is 1, and so a 1 bit field is appended to the encoding. 

Now we encode the longs in the IV; because these values are OCTET 
STRINGS, we need to align ourself on an octet boundary, if we're not 
there already. Once we've emitted any necessary pad bits, we encode the 
IV as the indicated number of 4 byte values. After that we encode the 
first key as described above, and if the second and third key are 
present, we encode those as well. 

If there is room for 3 bits in the byte preceding this encoding (a
likely occurence, especially if the application supports several
different key types (RC4 & IDEA, etc)), this encoding is still 32 bytes
in the worst case, and 12 in the best case. 

To be continued... (unless I get flamed off the list)

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