(fwd) Like FV with Crypto ... 'Cept Different ...

Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Tue Nov 28 13:36:43 PST 1995

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To: www-buyinfo <www-buyinfo at allegra.att.com>
From: Andrew Barrett/CheckFree Corporation
  <Andrew_Barrett at checkfree.com>
Date: 28 Nov 95  9:32:28 EDT
Subject: Like FV with Crypto ... 'Cept Different ...
Mime-Version: 1.0

 SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Nov. 22 /PRNewswire/  -- SBT's
Internet Division today announced that its electronic storefront package,
WebTrader 2.0, will integrate with Checkfree's credit card processing
service providing a complete, secure Internet commerce solution.  The
combination of SBT's WebTrader and Checkfree's Electronic Payment Processing
service allows any company to sell products on the Internet, automate order
entry and fulfillment and receive credit card payments electronically.

<SNIP SRC="blah, blah,blah">PR balloon deflated</snip>

  The Internet commerce solution process will be initiated by a merchant
contacting an SBT Internet Business Consultant (IBC) who will install and
configure Web Trader and provide the client with the Checkfree Merchant
Application package.  The IBC will arrange for a Checkfree account manager
to be assigned to the account who will assist with the application process.
The IBC will then customize and modify the Web Trader application, and
tailor Checkfree's processing to the merchant's specific needs.  Once the
application has been processed and approved, the IBC will coordinate site
testing for credit card transactions.  At that point the merchant is
equipped to conduct business on the Internet.

  WebTrader is the most widely-installed Windows program that allows
businesses to create an electronic storefront with order forms for products
or services on the Web.  It automatically processes the orders and sends the
customer confirmation via e-mail.  WebTrader initiates and completes the
sales process by providing a direct, instantaneous connection between vendor
and customer, RSA Data Security's encryption software which keeps credit
card numbers and other sensitive data private once it is received by the
vendor's Web server.

  WebTrader includes several HTML templates for home pages and sales order
forms that are ready to run on the Web.  When a customer on the Web
completes a form, the information is sent to the vendor via Internet e-mail.
The vendor employs an integrated e-mail parsing program that automatically
transforms the message into a standard SBT Sales Orders' bid.  After the bid
is authorized, it is converted to a firm order and an e-mail message
confirming receipt of the order is sent via Internet to the customer.
WebTrader also includes the ability to capture and track other critical
business information such as sales leads, product registration and customer

  WebTrader can be used as a stand-alone Internet application or in
conjunction with SBT's Pro Series 3.0i accounting software.  WebTrader has a
suggested retail price of $1,295.

->Finger abarrett at ee.net for Keyprint
->Public Key Coming Soon to a Keyserver Near You!

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Robert Hettinga (rah at shipwright.com)
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA (617) 958-3971
"Reality is not optional." --Thomas Sowell
The e$ Home Page: http://www.webstuff.apple.com/~vinnie/Rah
>>>>Phree Phil: Email: zldf at clark.net  http://www.netresponse.com/zldf <<<<<

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