protecting against impersonation (was: CANADIAN PRESS REPORTS)

aba at aba at
Sat Nov 18 08:09:02 PST 1995

anonymous writes:
> I still feel such a sense of violation with what LD did, such an
> utter sense of helplessness at the character assassination I've
> suffered at his hands, 

So use PGP, sign your messages.  Simple solution.

> that I feel that I must take some token action to "set the record
> straight".  Something which clears my name.

This post wasn't signed off, but I presume you are "Alice d'nonymous",
it would help lots if you could get yourself an account with a nym
server, such as alpha at  That would have the advantages that
your email address would be recognizable, and that people could reply
to you if they wanted to.

If having a working reply address bothers you, well at least sign your
posts, if you're concerned about a persistant identity, the tools are
available to do it.  Complaining about things which have simple
technological solutions won't get you much sympathy.


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