REMINDER: PARTY! Nov. 18th, sponsored by Community ConneXion

sameer sameer at
Mon Nov 13 16:04:22 PST 1995

Subject: REMINDER: PARTY! Nov. 18th, sponsored by Community ConneXion

Here's a little reminder:
We're having a party in a little over a week. I hope you can make it.

	Community ConneXion: the Internet Privacy Provider is having a
party! We're partying to celebrate the spread of privacy on the net,
through the increased security of internet products, as well as the
growth of our services. (Many new services and new features on existing
services will likely be announced before the party. Stay tuned.)
	We're inviting all our customers and other potentially
interested parties, which includes you, if you've received this
note. So please join us, and send a copy of this invitation to anyone
else you may know who would be interested in attending.

Where: Icon Byte Bar & Grill
       299 9th Street (at Folsom)
       SF CA 94103
When:  Sat. Nov. 18 1995
       7:00 PM

	This is a good chance to meet and network with the people who
are making privacy on the internet a reality. Find out more about the
HackNetscape and HackMicrosoft contests. Learn about our specialized
web services, found nowhere else but at Community ConneXion. Hear
about the anonymous and psuedonymous servers here and what we're doing
to improve them.
	There will be catered snacks and a no-host bar.

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