[NOISE, if interesting NOISE] Assassins

Black Unicorn unicorn at polaris.mindport.net
Sat Nov 4 22:37:56 PST 1995

Interested parties might want to discuss the effectiveness of murder in 
politics with the world's most recent assassin.

Or at least leave interesting mail to the security forces who will likely 
be running through his e-mail.

Here's your chance to make your life REAL interesting, and test PGP, just 
send some encrypted mail to our friend and gunman Mr. Amir at:

la59 at popeye.cc.biu.ac.il

"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
00B9289C28DC0E55  E16D5378B81E1C96 - Finger for Current Key Information

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