Real randomness generators

cjl cjl at
Sat Nov 4 10:10:04 PST 1995

On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Dr. Frederick B. Cohen wrote:

> As a side issue, you may find that once you start sending enough
> information with truly random characteristics, you will be visited by
> people that don't want you sending it.  I know people who have
> experienced these visitations and felt highly constrained as a result.

C. J. Leonard                     (    /      "DNA is groovy"
                                   \ /                - Watson & Crick
<cjl at>      / \     <--  major groove
                                  (    \
Finger for public key               \   )
Strong-arm for secret key             /    <--  minor groove
Thumb-screws for pass-phrase        /   )

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