[NOISE, NOTE HEADERS] Re: FBI Wants to Wiretap One of Every 100 , Phones in Urban Areas

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Fri Nov 3 01:32:54 PST 1995


On Fri, 3 Nov 1995 clarkm at cnct.com wrote:

> > On Fri, 3 Nov 1995 clarkm at cnct.kom wrote:
> > 
> > > Thanks for this item!  Two little excerpts jump out at me.
> > 
> > Gee, I hope they didn't spook you too badly when they jumped out at you 
> > like that. I can tell you're a little jumpy.
> Hi Rich!  Thx for changing my domain, I'm sure it fooled SAIC.

I can only hope you're joking, but based on your last article, I'm not so
sure. That was intended as a small joke for anyone using PGP; see the
X-PGP-Key header in the original message. 

You really should have talked to Steve Pizzo before bastardizing his
article. Now you might get written up again as an example of the
conspiracy wackos on the net. I suppose you view any publicity as a
positive. I wholly support that goal. 

> > By whom is the FBI being sued? What is the case number? Who are the 
> > lawyers? What are their Bar numbers? How many times have they been 
> > disciplined for bringing frivolous suits?

EPIC has indeed made an FOIA claim and sued the FBI, but not for the
reasons stated, which is why I assumed you were talking about something
else. Again, Spotlight being vague about evidence that doesn't really
support their points. The case is C.A. No. 94-1720 (CRR) in D.C.  You can
write to the court for the full record, at duplication cost. 

I fully support EPIC's position. My apologies for confusing the message
with the second-hand, third-rate messenger. 

I notice you added Arnie Lerma to the recipient list. Didn't he publicly 
dissociate himself from you guys? Doesn't he have other things on his 
mind? I have another little joke just for him on my machine at 
gopher://dorms.stanford.edu:70/0R478556-480696-/win95netbugs et seq (the 
file actually goes all the way to byte 1149418).

[Big Bird deleted]

- -rich
 [Followups out of cpunks, please]

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