New release (v1.3) of CFS Unix encrypting file system now available

Alex de Joode usura at
Fri Jul 28 17:15:31 PDT 1995

Matt Blaze sez:

: Source code for the latest version (release 1.3) of CFS, the Cryptographic
: File System, is now available upon request for research and experimental
: use in the US and Canada.


: If you would like a copy of the CFS source code, please read to the end
: of this message and then send email to:

: 	cfs at

: DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS MESSAGE.  You must include a statement
: that you are in the US or Canada, are a citizen or legal permanent
: resident of the US or Canada, and have read and understand the license
: conditions stated above.  Be sure to include an email address in a US-
: or Canada-registered domain. The code will be sent to you via email in
: a "shar" shell archive (a little over 300K bytes long).

Now, this would be very handy, unfortunately I'm no American or Canadian.

Alex de Joode
Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, Inc.				

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