mac share/freeware app for overwriting unused hd space?

Halvor Kise jr. halvork at
Thu Jul 27 11:10:50 PDT 1995

On Thu, 27 Jul 1995, j. ercole wrote:
> Can anyone point me towards a program that's freeware or shareware that
> will overwrite all the unused i.e., "trashed" space on my hard drive(s)?  I
> sincerely apologise if this is a faq.  I know norton's will do it but I
> don't presently have that installed on my machine.  Thanks oodles,
> joe

I once had a program called Burn, which is another trachcan, but 
overwrites the data X-times. (You choose yourself how many!)
You can get it at:

Hope this helps,
- Halvor.

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