Exporting from Canada (was Re: Let's try breaking an SSL RC4 key)

Daniel R. Oelke droelke at spirit.aud.alcatel.com
Tue Jul 25 08:17:01 PDT 1995

> : marc:
> : > However, goods of U.S. origin are export restricted, unless said
> : > goods are further processed outside the U.S. so as to result in a
> : > substantial change in value, so some of the PGP development would
> : > need to be done in Canada.
> : How about compiling it? THAT is "further processing"......
> Perhaps...but I for one wouldn't trust anyone else to compile my copy
> of PGP...would you?

I would use a precompiled version of PGP *if* it came from
and was signed by someone I trusted.
After all - I don't read all the source code - do you?

> And, note, it says sustantial change in value...I don't know if this is taken
> to mean monetary, or usability...the later might work.  
> It's an interesting idea.
> Jeremy
I would say that if you can sell something that people
would otherwise get for free, then you have added value.
So, pre-compile for a couple of architectures, and then
slap them on a CD-ROM with source.  
Definite tangable value from the CD-ROM then.

Dan Oelke                                  Alcatel Network Systems
droelke at aud.alcatel.com                             Richardson, TX

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