Java (was Netscape: the big win)

Ed Carp [khijol Sysadmin] erc at
Fri Jul 21 18:05:06 PDT 1995

On Fri, 21 Jul 1995, Andrew Loewenstern wrote:

> If a Mixmaster client were available in Java (and I'm pretty sure it can be  
> done) then suddenly everyone who previously could only use the penet server  
> can now also use Mixmaster.  With more people using the remailer network, all  
> of them with Java clients, the possibility of for-pay remailers could become  
> reality (no promises that you'll get rich though).

The problem, Java only runs on a pretty restricted set of software.  I 
don't have to be running Solaris to take advantage of penet.
Ed Carp, N7EKG    			Ed.Carp at, ecarp at
801/534-8857 voicemail			801/460-1883 digital pager
Finger ecarp at for PGP 2.5 public key		an88744 at

Q.	What's the trouble with writing an MS-DOS program to emulate Clinton?
A.	Figuring out what to do with the other 639K of memory.

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