Problem synchronizing sockets...

Russell Ross rross at
Fri Jul 21 14:48:59 PDT 1995

>        I'm a newbie at socket programming so this is probably going to
>be an easy question (I hope). I've been developing a client/server
>project using SSLeay and I'm having problem synchronizing my messages.
>More specifically, I use a combination of SSL_read and SSL_write to
>exchange messages bix my client and server. The problem is that my
>client is reading (SSL_read) before the server is done writing and reads
>an empty buffer. This does not occur all the time but often enough to
>make things quite unreliable... I've tryed using the select() command
>but that doesn't solve it. Help.....
>        Andre

This is generally true of sockets programming.  You don't know that you'll get
as many bytes as you request.  The simplest solution is to loop your read
calls until you get what you need.  See BSD Sockets: A Quick & Dirty Primer
for a sample solution.  The URL is

Russell Ross                     email: rross at
1260 N 1280 W                    voice: (801)628-8146
St. George, UT 84770-4953

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