Netscape the Big Win

Doug Hughes Doug.Hughes at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Thu Jul 20 09:13:30 PDT 1995

>on Wed, 19 Jul 1995 20:24:31 -0800  Douglas Barnes wrote:
>> available on Suns running Solaris 2.4 and PCs running Windows NT.
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Are there any plans to port JAVA to a REAL operating system?  Support
>for crypto needs to be ubiquitous to work.  Start with the fanatics
>(Linux and FreeBSD) and the other platforms will quickly follow (often
>ported by the afore mentioned fanatics so that the departmental server
>can run the same code as their desktop box :-).
>                Dave Otto - Vinimus, Vedimus, Dolivamus
>              dave at daveotto at
>  "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"     [the Great Oz]
>     finger DaveOtto at server for PGP 2.6 key  <0x3300e841>
There are java ports in progress for several OS's. Linux is among them
and there is a special mailing list for the linx port of java. Check the
sun home page for porting information, mailing lists, and new developments.

By the way, the current version of Java is Alpha2 release. Expect interface
and programmatic changes before a real version comes out January time frame.

Doug Hughes					Engineering Network Services
System/Net Admin  				Auburn University
			doug at
		"Real programmers use cat >"

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