Free The World Web Server project.. :)

MONTY HARDER monty.harder at
Thu Jul 20 09:06:04 PDT 1995

PE> > PE> would be discerned by a staffer in moments. Crap like this is called
PE> >
PE> >   They should know, because they send form letters to constituents all
PE> > the time, only they don't bother to vary it a bit.
PE> Misdirection. This has nothing to do with my point. The staffers will
PE> STILL toss your stuff.

  After putting the appropriate tally mark on the sheet for the day's
mail, and sending out the response letter, yep. I don't expect Jan Meyers
to personally =ever= see my mail to her office. I only expect her
gruntlings to put that mark under "no" for the ______ Bill.

PE> >   Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
PE> In other words, you are choosing to ignore me. Regardless of whether

  Not at all. I concede that letters do not get read by Anyone
Important. I only want them to =count= the darned things, and the
variations in verbiage, margins, fonts, etc. should be enough to get
them classified as part of an organized letter-writing campaign, instead
of a form-letter-signing campaign. That puts the mark in a different

PE> you are paying attentoion, however, you will still not be able to

  Not only am I paying attentoion [sic], but I know from experience that
the staffers at least have to pay enough themselves to know which form
letter to send me in response to my Heartfelt Expressions of Concern.
Without fail, I get that letter from Meyers' office, but only about half
the time from Dole or Kassebaum.

PE> > .. If one of our DC members can set up an
PE> > Imail-FAX gateway, we can publicize some nifty Iddresses for folx to
PE> Perhaps people who can be bothered to spell out "folks" properly also

  When I am writing to people whose opinion of my spelling I give a snit
about, I will spell it precisely as you indicate. If it annoys you, set
up your copy of exxxon to do the transform, or put my name in your twit
filter.  Talk about misdirection....

  But "folx" is exactly the kind of thing that tells the staffer that it
is =not= a form letter, because a computer would not be programmed to
use variant spellings, would it?

PE> are willing to write letters that will be paid attention to. As you
PE> seem to prefer to ignore the fact that you will be ignored, why are
PE> you willing to spend effort setting up an "Imail[sic]-FAX gateway"?

  Because that gateway can be used to convert genuinely original,
pseudo-original, or blatantly copied Internet mail,
                                     ^        ^^^^
       May God have mercy on my soul for having coined an =original=
     abbrv'n. rather than merely rearranging the words and phrases that
     others frequently use, which would, of course, be Astroturf<tm>. I
     have never seen the Houston Oilers play football on faxes

which has no, or virtually no, marginal cost to most net.people, into
actual paper, which, being tangible, has the potential to be counted as
Natural Grass, and thus not contribute to knee injuries.

 * Abuse of power comes as no surprise.
 * Monster at FAmend.Com *    

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