Netscape the Big Win

Douglas Barnes cman at
Wed Jul 19 20:24:58 PDT 1995

>Integration of crypto into Netscape is thus the Big Win.

This is why Amanda and I have been working on crypto tools
for Java, a "safe" programming language that will be embedded
in Netscape in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future. In
addition to eventual incorporation in Netscape, it is currently
available on Suns running Solaris 2.4 and PCs running Windows NT.


This is also why October is "Java month" for the cypherpunks
Bay Area meeting. Marianne Mueller (mrm at is
organizing speakers and coordinating the schedule for that
month's meeting.

Java will be available for Windows 95 about the time Win 95 is
released, and a Mac version is due out "Real Soon Now." The
Mac version has been demoed to industry insiders already. One
of the obvious advantages is that it should be possible to
write a nice, GUI interface once, and be done with all of the
tiresome porting that seems to occupy too much of our time.

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