EVENT: NY-only, non-NY folks ignore (fwd)

Ray Arachelian sunder at escape.com
Wed Jul 19 15:28:04 PDT 1995

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian | Amerika: The land of the Freeh. | \-_    _-/  |
  \|/  |sunder at escape.com| Where day by day, yet another   |  \  --  /   |
<--+-->|                 | Constitutional right vanishes.  |6 _\-  -/_  6|
  /|\  |    Just Say     |                                 |----\  /---- | 
 + v + | "No" to the NSA!| Jail the censor, not the author!|     \/      |
      /  I watched and weeped as the Exon bill passed, knowing that yet /
     / another freedom vanished before my eyes.  How soon before we see/
    /a full scale dictatorship in the name of decency? While the rest /

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 01:12:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: She Devil With A Modem! <redsonja at computel.com>
To: sunder at escape.com
Subject: EVENT: NY-only, non-NY folks ignore (fwd)

Also Sprach Shabbir J. Safdar:
>From shabbir at panix.com Mon Jul 17 23:51:37 1995
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 23:45:32 -0400
From: "Shabbir J. Safdar" <shabbir at panix.com>
Message-Id: <199507180345.XAA05923 at panix3.panix.com>
To: stop314 at panix.com
Subject: EVENT: NY-only, non-NY folks ignore


	Campaign to stop the 1995 Communications Decency Act


	    We encourage you to forward this to friends


What: 	A free workshop on current online censorship legislation and
      	the viable alternatives.
When: 	Saturday July 22nd, 1-4pm
Where: 	ACLU offices at Times Sq (132 West 43rd St at 6th Ave)
Who:	Everyone (teachers, librarians, businesses, everyone!)
  Crash Course on the First Amendment and the New Censorship Legislation 
  Questions and Answers About How the CDA Affects You and Your Business 
  How to Lobby Your Representative 
  Plans for the New York Lobby Day Against the CDA:  Wednesday, July 26th 


Are you interested in seeing our government become less intrusive, not
larger, and less involved in personal decisions about what you read?

Do you believe that Constitutionally-protected speech should not be
regulated by the FCC (or any other Federal agency)?

Do you believe that computer networks are a tremendously powerful tool
for giving many more people in our society a voice, bypassing traditional
forms of media?

If you find the above three questions compelling, you should be
concerned about the 1995 Communications Decency Act (CDA).  Having
already passed the Senate, the CDA is headed for the House and has
favorable odds of passing there as well if nothing is done.

The CDA was passed by the Senate 84-16.  It was voted on by many
legislators who not only never use a computer, but have never read
email, logged onto a BBS, read Usenet news, or seen a Web page.  They
were simply voting with their gut reaction, unaware that they were
disastrously affecting the future of American expression and the
most explosive industry seen in the last ten years.

It *doesn't* have to be that way.  We as New Yorkers can't expect our
elected officials to vote out of a vacuum.  We need to tell our
Representatives that online systems are a new medium, not the same as a
telephone, nor the same as television.  They need to understand that
the Internet and bulletin boards aren't simply Dial-A-Porn lines, or
adult cable channels.

However they won't come to these conclusions themselves; they need your
help.  Come to this free workshop and learn what you can do to help
ensure that online communication isn't restricted unreasonably.


American Civil Liberties Union, College Art Association, Creative
Coalition, Feminists for Free Expression, and the Voters
Telecommunications Watch 


For more information about the CDA Workshop on July 22nd, contact: 
  Shabbir Safdar, Voters Telecomm Watch 
      Email: vtw at vtw.org
      (718) 596-7234
  Ann Beeson, American Civil Liberties Union 
      Email: beeson at aclu.org 
      (212) 944-9800 x788 

For more information about the CDA, see:
Web Sites

Gopher Archives:

        vtw at vtw.org (put "send cdafaq" in the subject line)


In order to use the net more effectively, several organizations have
joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
Communications Decency Act.

American Civil Liberties Union * American Communication Association *
American Council for the Arts * Arts & Technology Society * Association
of Alternative Newsweeklies * biancaTroll productions * Californians
Against Censorship Together * Center For Democracy And Technology *
Centre for Democratic Communications * Center for Public Representation
* Citizen's Voice - New Zealand * Computer Communicators Association *
Computel Network Services * Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility * Cross Connection * Cyber-Rights Campaign * CyberQueer
Lounge * Dutch Digital Citizens' Movement * Electronic Frontier Canada
* Electronic Frontier Foundation * Electronic Frontier Foundation -
Austin * Electronic Frontiers Australia * Electronic Frontiers Houston
* Electronic Frontiers New Hampshire * Electronic Privacy Information
Center * Feminists For Free Expression * First Amendment Teach-In *
Florida Coalition Against Censorship * FranceCom, Inc. Web Advertising
Services * Friendly Anti-Censorship Taskforce for Students * Hands Off!
The Net * Human Rights Watch * Inland Book Company * Inner Circle
Technologies, Inc. * Inst. for Global Communications * Internet
On-Ramp, Inc. * Joint Artists' and Music Promotions Political Action
Committee * The Libertarian Party * Marijuana Policy Project *
Metropolitan Data Networks Ltd. * MindVox * National Bicycle Greenway *
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression * National Coalition
Against Censorship * National Gay and Lesbian Task Force * National
Public Telecomputing Network * National Writers Union * Oregon Coast
RISC * Panix Public Access Internet * People for the American Way *
Rock Out Censorship * Society for Electronic Access * The Thing
International BBS Network * The WELL * Voters Telecommunications Watch

(Note: All 'Electronic Frontier' organizations are independent entities,
 not EFF chapters or divisions.)

	End Alert

   All that matters is that  ]{      |BTCOMH|-| Eileen Tronolone
 -===========================]*\\\{O | (tm) | | System Administrator
   two stood against many... ]{      |______|-/ redsonja at computel.com

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