
Mike Bailey bailey at
Mon Jul 17 21:35:10 PDT 1995

On Mon, 17 Jul 1995, Bill Stewart wrote:

> > > So, anyone want to volunteer to port Privtool to Windows ?
> > Uh, pardon my ignorance, but what is privtool, and why is it
> > a good thing to port it to windows?
> > (As compared to the task of integrating PGP into microsofts
> > mail tool.)
> It's an open-system mail tool resembling Sun's mailtool with PGP support added.
> Open-system tools are one of those vanguard things :-)  
> (So are convenient GUI-development tools.)
> I no longer have a nearby Sun machine to play on, so I haven't played with it,
> but if it's got a well-done interface it's worth porting or stealing concepts
> from to include in other systems.  I've heard that Microsoft's new mail tools
> are far less brain-damaged than the Microsoft Mail I've grown to know and hate,
> which assumes any message that's more than a few lines will be an attached
> document with maybe some optional intro and leftover mail headers,
> and chokes on messages with more than 30K of text in the body (choking badly
> on more than 64K).  (Apparently, part of the reason for this evil is the fault
> of Visual Basic and/or Visual C++, which are convenient GUI development
> tools...)
> On the other hand, integrating it into Free Eudora for Windows would be
> pleasant,
> if that's doable (I forget it source is available.) 
> #                                Thanks;  Bill
> # Bill Stewart, Freelance Information Architect, stewarts at

Does Privtool support POP3 ??


*                                                                        * 
*       Mike Bailey                     (hm)214-252-3915                 * 
*       AT&T Capital Corporation.       (wk)214-456-4510                 *
*       email bailey at       host         *
*                                                                        *
*   "Remember you can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish -Joe Walsh"   *
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