Root Causes

Buford Terrell terrell at
Mon Jul 17 16:32:53 PDT 1995

>From: Michael Froomkin <Michael at>

>Jim didn't take my Con Law I course.
>In message <199507161819.OAA06090 at> Jim Ray writes:
>[cuts throughout]
>> Amendment IX -- "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights
>> shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
>                                                      ^^^^^^^ 
>> [The right to write code was among many rights NOT enumerated.]
>Very hard to argue that the right to write code (as opposed to, 
>say, the right to write in code) existed in the late 18th 
>century; hence it is hard to argue that it could be "retained" 

What about Jacquard loom cards?

Buford C. Terrell                       1303 San Jacinto Street
Professor of Law                              Houston, TX 77002
South Texas College of Law                voice   (713)646-1857
terrell at                     fax   (713)646-1766

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